Tom White was born in 1880 at Smyllum Junction, Biggar. His father, John, was a railway porter at Biggar Station, but became a railway signalman following an accident in which he lost part of a leg.
1891 census
John White 37 – Brakesman (Railway)
Agnes White 37
Mary H White 15
Thomas S White 11
John J White 9
Ebenezer White 6
Elizabeth J White 4
Robert J White 1
In the 1901 census (31st March), Tom White was a boarder with the Scott family at 42 Forrest Place.
Mary Scott 21 (Hosiery Machinist)
Jessie Scott 18 (Hosiery Machinist)
Lizzie Scott 10 (Scholar)
John Maxwell 28 (Fireclay brickmaker)
Thomas Whyte 21 (Railway signalman)
Tom married Jessie Scott on Dec 9th 1907 and their first daughter Betty (Elizabeth), was born in 1908. Nessie (Agnes) was born in October 1910.
In the 1911 census, Tom is recorded as being a grocer Tom and living with Jessie and two daughters at Masonic Place where he also had a shop. Jessie was born in January 1915.
Tom’s shop must have been a good business as even with a young family he was the proud owner of a Model ’T’ Ford.
Winifred, my mother, was born in September 1924 and two months later Tom’s wife Jessie died from cancer on Nov 13th 1924. Winnie was raised by relatives in Lanark and moved back to Masonic Place probably in 1932 and later attended Lenzie Academy. By 1939 Tom was living at Millview and married to Agnes Stewart (Nel). Millview had been built by Robert Stirling the Grain Merchant.
Tom was now a hirer of motor vehicles and ran a Model “T” Ford bus called “Easy Osie”. From old family photos there were often outings to visit other family in Lanark and Wigtown. Betty and Jessie both helped with the shop and Jessie also helped out with driving. Nessie married Willie Bell and for a time lived in Callander before moving back to look after the shop which was now located in Station Buildings (the only building of its age still standing).

John Maxwell married Jessie’s sister, Mary Scott and they had two children Elizabeth (Lisbeth) and Georgina (Ina), my mother’s cousins. The family lived at Norwood.